Herstory to Hisstory 3 The Order Becomes The Law: Phallus Worship & Royal Succession Explained
This video is part 3 of a series of videos that attempt to explain the history of government & the New World Order starting from Pre Dynastic times up until the 1st ruling Dynasties. The book of genesis marks a change in royal succession. It marks the beginning of patriarchal world government rule / NWO & the end of old world matriarchal sovereignty. It signifies the dawn of the 1st King Menes or the 1st dynasties of Atum/Adam. We are taught to believe that it is really year 2018 right now and that prior to 7000 years ago humans were bow & arrow carrying apes! We are really taught believe that civilization just popped up in the desert 7000 years ago because of some bogus king named Narmer/Menes/Atum or Minos. Greece & Egypt have many secrets regarding their true origins & the secret societies of world created evolution to hide our true human origins behind ape stories. The timeline was split because a new calendar was made when the first royal families assumed their thrones. The first civilizations on earth were vegan based gardening socieities that vanished with the rise of the 1st hunting civilizations. This video explains how & why we were literally kicked out of “The Garden of Eden”.
(Mild profanity used in this video.)
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(Bro. Sanchez Flat Earth Playlist) Our Cosmos Is An Infinite Plane
(The Mother Goddess) Cosmic Mother: Ancient Matriarchal Cosmology) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmUJzhQaeZeh4PaOO_BL3p2zzmpVH1