How to Make Video Transitions with Transparency in OBS
Edit: 8/10/17 – the latest version of OBS Studio includes the stinger transition feature by default, so you don’t need to worry about installation if that plugin moving forward. I’ll keep the info in this description for posterity.
Here’s the latest info about OBS v20 –
In this video I show how to incorporate a video you’ve made with alpha channels as a transition in OBS.
With the Stinger Transitions plugin for OBS and a video converter app called WinFF, you can create really elegant custom transitions for use between scenes in OBS. I’ve used Adobe After Effects to create a simple transition, but you could also use other apps, as long as they export alpha channels within the video file.
You could also use this technique to make animated twitch overlays/borders pop-ups and even follower alerts for use with services that allow webm files for the graphics.
Let me know if you have any questions or comments.
I’ll possibly do more of these tutorials if people find them useful.
A few bits of important info from the comments section.
Make sure you get the 64 bit version if winff. The x86 version does not have the presets needed. Follow my link below for the correct version.
Also, this plugin currently doesn’t seem to support audio in the transition video file. The developer of the plugin may be able to add this in an update. Need to comment on that obs forum thread if you want to show interest in that.
First, make sure to install the Stinger Transition Plugin –
This plugin allows you to import video files with alpha channels and use them as transitions.
Also install WinFF –
EDIT – I believe you need to use the 64-bit version of the app to get the google presets with WebM support.
Here’s the link to that one –
Here’s the main site for the app (have to hunt for that 64bit version above)
Free video converter that converts video files to WebM format which allows for small filesizes that keep Alpha Transparency